On Saturday 26 November 2009, representatives of students, teachers, parents and administrative staff from both Taman Rama School and Asian International School visited two schools in the Jembrana Regency of Bali to hand over a charity donation raised by students of the schools.

The ‘Share for Peace’ programme was part of the celebrations commemorating the 140th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth. The two schools receiving the charity donation were SDN 2 Baler Bale Agung, Negara district and SDN 6 Manistutu, Melaya district.

244 packages containing school uniforms, sport uniforms, shoes, socks, pencils, pencil cases and exercise books were given to students as well as English lesson books for primary students and t-shirts for teachers.

It was a day filled with much joy as each student received their packages from the representatives of the donating schools and took great delight in looking at the various items inside.