


Document Requirement for Interview & Test

Dokumen yang Diperlukan Sebelum Interview & Test :

Applying To / Mendaftar ke

Preschool (TK)

·  Copy of Birth Certificate / Fotocopy Akte Kelahiran

·  Copy of Family Card / Fotocopy Kartu Keluarga

·  Copy of Parent’s ID Card / Fotocopy KTP Orang Tua

·  Copy of last school report if any / Fotocopy rapor sekolah sebelumnya jika ada

Primary (SD)

·  Copy of Preschool School Report / Fotocopy rapor sekolah TK

·  Copy of Birth Certificate / Fotocopy Akte Kelahiran

Junior High (SMP)

·  Copy of Primary School Report grade 4-6 / Fotocopy rapor sekolah kelas 4-6

·  Copy of Primary graduate certificate / Fotocopy ijazah kelulusan SD

Senior High (SMA)

·  Copy of Junior High School Report grade 7-9 / Fotocopy rapor sekolah kelas 7-9

·  Copy of Junior High graduate certificate / Fotocopy ijazah kelulusan SMP

Transfer Student

·   Letter of good behaviour or recommendation letter from previous school.

Surat Kelakuan Baik atau surat rekomendasi dari sekolah lama

·   Upon acceptance, transfer certificate/letter from previous school is required.

Setelah diterima, surat pindah dari sekolah asal diperlukan.

Document Requirement for Registration

Dokumen yang Diperlukan Saat Pendaftaran

National Student
Siswa Nasional
International Student (Expatriate)
Siswa Internasional

1.       Admission Form

Formulir Pendaftaran

2.       Birth Certificate of The Student (Copy)

 Akte Kelahiran Anak (Copy)

3.       Family Card (Copy)

Kartu Keluarga (Copy)

4.       ID Card of The Parent (Copy)

Kartu Identitas Orang Tua (Copy)


5.       School Report Card (Original or Legalized Copy) – min. the last 3 years

Rapor Sekolah (Asli atau copy legalisir) – min. tiga tahun terakhir


6.       School Certificate (Original or Legalized Copy)

Ie. STTB, NEM, Graduation Certificate

Sertifikat Sekolah (Asli atau copy legalisir); STTB, NEM, Ijazah Kelulusan


7.       Recent Colour Photographs with Red Background (wearing school uniform)

Foto Berwarna dengan latar belakang merah yang terbaru memakai seragam sekolah.


Pre-School (TK) : 

3 x 4 cm in size    3 pcs


Primary (SD) :

4 x 6 cm in size     2 pcs

3 x 4 cm in size     5 pcs

2 x 3 cm in size     5 pcs


Junior High (SMP) – Senior High (SMA):

3 x 4 cm in size     6 pcs

2 x 3 cm in size     2 pcs


1.   Admission Form

Formulir Pendaftaran

2.   Birth Certificate of The Student (Copy)

Akte Kelahiran Anak (Copy)

3.   Student’s Passport  (Copy)

Paspor Siswa (Copy)

4.   Parents’ Passport and KITAS / KITAP (Copy)

Paspor & KITAS/KITAP Orang Tua (Copy)


5.   School Report Card (Original or Legalized Copy) – min. the last 3 years

Rapor Sekolah (Asli atau copy legalisir) – min. tiga tahun terakhir


6.   School Certificate (Original or Legalized Copy)

Sertifikat Sekolah (Asli atau copy legalisir);



 7.   Recent Colour Photographs with Red Background (wearing school uniform)

Foto Berwarna dengan latar belakang merah yang terbaru memakai seragam sekolah.


Pre-School (TK) : 

3 x 4 cm in size    3 pcs


Primary (SD ) :

4 x 6 cm in size     2 pcs

3 x 4 cm in size     5 pcs

2 x 3 cm in size     5 pcs


Junior High (SMP) – Senior High (SMA:

3 x 4 cm in size     6 pcs

2 x 3 cm in size     2 pcs


About Us


Taman Rama School - Denpasar

is a private National Plus school serving the educational needs of the local and expatriate families that make up the community of Bali. Our school provides high quality education from preschool to Year 12.
