



  • School accepts students from Toddler (age 2 years) to grade 12

Sekolah Taman Rama menerima pendaftaran murid dari Toddler hingga Kelas 12.


  • Children must be of appropriate age for Toddler (2-3 years), Nursery (3-4 years), K1 (4-5 years), K2 (5-6 years), and Primary Grade 1 (6 years) as at the beginning of the new academic year. Consideration may be given for certain cases.

Umur / usia calon siswa  harus sesuai dengan kelasnya; Toddler (2-3 tahun), Nursery (3-4 tahun), K1 (4-5 tahun), K2 (5-6 tahun) dan SD/CP Kelas 1 (min. 6 tahun) pada saat mulai tahun ajaran baru. Pertimbangan akan diberikan untuk kasus tertentu.


  • Prior to enrolment, we encourage parent to make thorough enquiries, inspect the school facilities and become fully informed. Parent should read and understand all the policies and regulations and be willing to abide by them if their child joins the school. 

Sebelum mendaftar, orang tua dianjurkan untuk datang meminta semua keterangan lengkap mengenai sekolah / pendidikan yang diterapkan serta melihat fasilitas sekolah. Orang tua harus membaca dan memahami semua kebijakan dan peraturan sekolah serta bersedia untuk menaatinya jika putra/putrinya bersekolah di Sekolah Taman Rama .


  • The student applicant will be tested and/or interviewed. The interview and testing is by appointment only. Following evaluation of tests and/or interview, the student applicant’s family will be notified by the Admissions Office regarding the status of the application. The application may be accepted, wait listed, marked for re-testing, or denied.

Calon murid akan dites atau diinterview dengan perjanjian terlebih dahulu. Setelahnya, orang tua akan diinformasikan hasil tes atau interviewnya;  diterima, waiting list, tes ulang atau tidak diterima.


  • The student’s enrollment and admission is subjected to the completion of documents required, correct information given and the result of admission test / interview if required. School reserves the right to reject the student registration if student fails the test / interview or if the incorrect information is given. 

Penerimaan calon siswa baru berdasarkan atas kelengkapan dokumen, kebenaran informasi, dan hasil tes / interview. Sekolah berhak membatalkan penerimaan siswa apabila tidak lulus tes atau informasi/dokumen yang diberikan tidak benar.


  • Upon notification of acceptance, in order to ensure placement in a class, parents are required to do:

Setelah pemberitahuan penerimaan, untuk memastikan tempat di kelas, orang tua diminta untuk:

    1. Obtain the application form at the Admissions Office, which must be fully completed and submitted together with other required documents.

Membeli formulir pendaftaran  di kantor Yayasan. Formulir pendaftaran harus diisi lengkap dan dikembalikan bersama dengan dokumen-dokumen yang harus dilampirkan.

    1. Remit payment of the required fees: Registration Fee, Development Fee, Annual Fee and other required fee. 

Membayar biaya-biaya berupa: Uang Pendaftaran/Pangkal, Uang Pembangunan, Uang Tahunan dan biaya lain yang diwajibkan.


  • Candidate is officially enrolled to the School o­nce they have fulfilled all the administrative requirements, and full payment confirmation has been received.

Calon siswa resmi terdaftar di Sekolah Taman Rama dan berhak mulai bersekolah setelah semua biaya telah dibayar penuh.


  • The student’s class is determined based on the admission test and the student’s performance.

Penempatan siswa di kelas berdasarkan hasil tes dan pencapaian siswa tersebut.

About Us


Taman Rama School - Denpasar

is a private National Plus school serving the educational needs of the local and expatriate families that make up the community of Bali. Our school provides high quality education from preschool to Year 12.
